Our Green Partnerships
Mark Sundermeier
Conservation is important to us, and we run our business on green principles. We started this business because we hated to see beautiful timbers thrown in the landfill or made into mulch. We knew that with hard work they could be converted into durable and beautiful products. After all, the greenest product is one that already exists. Our small batch solar kiln operates silently on a hill a few miles outside Omaha, using a solar-operated fan to move the air inside.
We established partnerships, like the one with Matt Noble of Bee Grateful Gardens who uses our hardwood sawdust as a growing media for his fabulous fungi. Our retail partner is Reclaimed Enterprises where the owner Jason Gilbreath gathers beautiful used materials and turns them into products better than new.
The best thing about running green is that the products are infinitely beautiful and unique-there are no compromises on quality, and there is something to be said for owning a piece of the past that is uniquely yours.