About Us
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Pin oak drying in our solar kiln
“Each plank…can have only one ideal use. The woodworker must find this ideal use and create an object of utility to man, and if nature smiles, an object of lasting beauty.” George Nakashima
Earth-Friendly Practices
We are a family-owned business located in Omaha, Nebraska. Our mission is to rescue timber that would have gone to the landfill or mulch shredder, turning it into durable and beautiful products. No tree is cut solely for the timber, all of our lumber comes from urban forestry projects. That means the trees had to be culled because they were at the end of their lifespan, damaged, or in the way of building projects. Urban logging offers a huge, mostly untapped, resource that can reduce logging in our nation's wilderness forests. We air dry most slabs, with smaller batches seasoned in our solar-powered kiln. Even sawdust is salvaged, which is used as growing medium by a local mushroom farmer.
Unique, Local Products
There is a huge variety of wood growing all around us, but you wouldn't know it by looking at most lumberyards, where the selection is generally limited to less than half a dozen species. We have a wide variety of woods, and we carefully plan our cuts to produce unique and beautiful slabs. We offer crosscuts, timbers, slabs and beams; and offer the opportunity to stretch your lumber dollars by buying green slabs which you season yourself. Because we are local, transportation costs (and your carbon footprint) are minimal.
Massive Pieces
We specialize in massive statement pieces, although we don't discard any of the smaller timbers. Our sawmill has the widest capacity in the area, with the ability to make slabs five foot wide. Most of our wood is made into live edge slabs ranging from coffee table to conference table size.